PROGISAP , the SENEF solution dedicated to the Care Services and Senior Services Residences sector, is on its way to being listed on the Segur Digital Health Index.

The Segur for Digital Health has been designed to facilitate and secure the exchange of medical data between healthcare professionals and users, with a view to improving prevention and support.

Our PROGISAP solution, the digital ecosystem dedicated to Care Services and RSS, is being adapted to meet the requirements of the DUI (Dossier Usager Informatisé – Computerised User File) referencing specification, in order to comply with the Segur for Digital Health.

To date, what stage has PROGISAP reached in this process?

  • Authentication via PSC (ProSantéConnect) implemented in PROGISAP using your CPS or eCPS card.
  • PROGISAP has been approved by the CNDA (National Approval Deposit Centre) to use INS (Identifiant National de Santé) teleservices.
  • Automated filing of your medical documents directly into the “DMP” (Shared Medical Record) from PROGISAP.
  • MSSanté (Secure Health Messaging) and Secure Citizen Messaging for sharing information via secure exchanges from PROGISAP.

So we’re in the home stretch and our aim is still to support the digital transition of our Care Services customers and all the players in the sector.

We will be coming back to you in the coming days and weeks to keep you up to date with these developments.


Published On: March 12th, 2023 / Categories: Actus-home-2023 EN /