Far from the clichés of an archaic sector, human services companies are seizing on digital tools to reinvent themselves and meet today’s challenges. But this transformation is not going smoothly. How do you support your employees as they move into a new digital era? This is the major challenge facing care services companies.

Manual professions confronted by the digital revolution: a clash of cultures?

Imagine a cleaner used to sweeping and mopping, suddenly faced with a touch-sensitive tablet. Or a security guard having to manage surveillance cameras using the latest software. Culture shock can be tough. But it’s a necessary evil. Because if they are to survive and prosper in a world in the throes of digital transformation, these companies have no choice but to embrace change. So it’s essential to support them and make them aware of the benefits of digitalisation.

ERP, a valuable tool for managing change

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is an invaluable ally when it comes to managing change. They act as compasses in the digital storm, centralising data, streamlining processes and automating manual tasks. This saves time, improves efficiency and boosts productivity, which is no mean feat for companies that are often subject to tight time and budget constraints.

But ERP is only part of the solution. To make a success of its digital transformation, a company must first and foremost involve its employees in the process. This means clear and transparent communication, appropriate training and personalised support.

And what if digitalisation became a motivational lever?

Far from being a constraint, digitisation can become a real motivator for employees. The new digital tools enable them to develop professionally, acquire new skills and feel more valued. An undeniable asset for attracting and retaining talent in a sector where competition is fierce.

So, when is the digital revolution coming to care services companies? The answer is simple: it’s already happening! The companies that seize the opportunities offered by digital technology will be the ones that stand out and prosper in the years to come. And if you’re not yet on the wagon, it’s high time you got on!

Remember: digitalisation is not an option, it’s a necessity. It’s the key to a promising future and to more efficient, more humane and more sustainable businesses.

PROGISAP supports change management

To thrive, businesses need to adapt by adopting new digital tools. Progisap, a major player in digital solutions for human services companies, offers ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and mobile applications specifically designed to meet your needs.

These ERP solutions optimise the management of contracts, schedules, stocks, communications and customer satisfaction. They also facilitate the monitoring of services, invoicing, debt collection, customer relationship management and compliance with regulations.

PROGISAP supports its customers in their digital transformation with a needs assessment, a change management plan, staff training and after-sales support.

Published On: May 28th, 2024 / Categories: Actus-home-2024 EN /